Hello...new owner of baby 5 week IRN :)

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Hello...new owner of baby 5 week IRN :)

Post by shanna71 »

I had previous experience with a sun conure. My Sun was a screecher in a half!!! UGH!!! SOOOO BAD! I taught her tricks and was very cute but somehow after a year old, she became VERY ANNOYING and just would NOT stop squawking. SOOO I gave her to someone that would love her and that could deal with the noise level. Well, a few months back, feeling empty, I was looking at birds once again and someone on fb posted a youtube video of Bowie the IRN. I was smitten to say the least and thought if I get one that will talk to me, maybe that will cut down on the screeching some. lol Well, I found a breeder last week in my area and purchased my lil blue male IRN. I'm excited to have him and hand feeding him now. Its sooo adorable! So if anyone could give me pointers about what to expect in the next few weeks, I would greatly appreciate it . Being that my sun conure didnt have a "crop" to worry about and was 3 months when I got her, she was only feeding a spoonful of formula a day, just bc she was spoiled by the breeder lol. I'm very new at taking care of something soo little. All helpful hints and stories are helpful. My questions, how long will I be using a syringe, when to should I expect him to start perching, can I give him a small bath yet (I ask that bc of the place I bought him, all the birds looked alil dirty and he stinks a lil) Thanks. :)
Little Buttercup
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Re: Hello...new owner of baby 5 week IRN :)

Post by Little Buttercup »

Welcome, hows your little baby doing? I don't know much about hand feeding, but someone else might help you. The baby ringnecks are really adorable. Wishing you lots of luck

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