What to do first.....really appreciate some help.

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What to do first.....really appreciate some help.

Post by Bindi »

I have had Bindi for a little over 24 hours now and have never owned a pet bird before. She came from our local souq and was kept on a perch outside of the shop, in fact my husband said she was on the shop owners finger and he put her on my husband's....So she has been handled and out of the cage, would that be called finger tame? That was the reason my husband bought her, because she has been handled. However at home now I have put my hand in her cage to see if she'll come to me and the answer is no....although she's not exactly going mental, she just climbs all around the cage to get away from me. I don't want to push it, and my plan is to leave her in the cage and continue with putting my hands in to clean up, etc and talk to her and even offer her Apple which she seems to love. Is this the right thing to do? Also she sits on the top perch and turns her back on us. She does seem to look round at me when I talk to her. Does this change? I really want her to like and trust me. You see I have a 4 month old baby and 3 yr old, so don't have hours to spend one on one with her; but will give her as much as I can. Is 10 mins here and there every day enough to train an IRN? Any advice much appreciated. Thanks. Emily.
Little Buttercup
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Re: What to do first.....really appreciate some help.

Post by Little Buttercup »

Hi, I think she is fine and just leave her to settle in abit. 24hrs only you have her for, she need to get used to her surroundings. Maybe you can leave the cage door open for her to come out also. Just see that she can't fly out of the house. Feeding her by hand is a good idea. Whatever time you can spare, be with her. Also talk to her alot even if you are working or doing anything else around the room. Patience is required when trying to tame them. Good luck

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