Biting HELP

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Biting HELP

Post by Kimberly »

My new IRN bites, I have just adopted him and can't seem to make any progress in bonding. He likes to come out of his cage and play in top of his cage but I get bit when putting him back in when I have to leave. Please help me
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Joined: Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:21 am

Re: Biting HELP

Post by Weesie »

I also just adopted a male Ringneck, about 8 yrs old. From my experience, it will take time. Today my hands look like shredded tomatoes because he bit me so much but I had to trim his nails (I file them) and trim his wings. Next I will leave him in his cage for a few days. I will walk by and talk to him a lot. Speaking softly helps. I will let him out a few times a day but not play with him. I do not believe in shoulder birds and he is shoulder trained, which i will re-direct. Calm yourself, play limited daily for a few months and praise when even the smallest move is in the right direction. Oh, and I dont use food as a treat motivator, I use praise. Its easier and always works.
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