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Post by sancooldude »

What will happen if i keep changing the position/place of the cage of my indian ringneck parrot?
like i just accidentally changed the place of the cage..will its behavior to set in vary?? and i just bought him 4 days back and when ever we enter the room he gets very how many days would it take for him to get adjusted with us...and how should we react to his this type of a behavior.??

(P.S:i just changed the pos/place once)
and how will i come to know weather an IRN is still young or please suggest me the size approx. of an IRN which is 2-3 months pet dealer told me that it is 2-3 months old..but i am in a doubt with its it is around 12 inches from head to tail tip..
and he is not making any sounds not even a scream...
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Re: IRN's CAGE...

Post by Melika »

He just needs some time to settle in. You've taken him away from everything he knows- let things settle down and let him feel safe for a while before going and flipping his world upside down again. Parrots are much more complex than dogs and experience stress easily.

I think changing things around is good to help prevent phobias from developing, but not right away. Wait a month or two before moving his cage around. By then he should be used to you and more comfortable. :)

You can figure out what his favourite treat is and always give him that when you come in, even if it's just dropping it into his food dish.

As far as age, I'm not sure there is any way to know for certain the age of a ringneck... unless it develops a ring and then you know it is between 2-3 years of age.
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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