A few new video's added

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A few new video's added

Post by jen5239 »

Hey everyone,
I've added probably four videos for you to check out. Sorry so many. I just tape them and then forget to upload. Sorry about the quality. Just my digi camera. Could you watch the one where Remmi is "stepping up" for me and give me any suggestions on what to do. This is how he does it all the time. So flighty! Just becuz still a baby??? Let me know what u think. I hope u enjoy them. Let me know.


Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

Aww they are so sweet.... and you said Remmi does not reallly go for millet! Looks like he loves it to me!

Dats used to flap madly as a baby but I just never stood for it. I quickly move my hand into her chest and say step up then sweep her off her perch onto my hand, no options, hang on or fall on the floor!

Datsun is very territorialof her cage, my hand is often bitten if I enter but she is not allowed to do that! It is MY cage, I bought it and I stick my hand in if I want to. I will take a vid of her stepping up soon.

I am a take no bull mum and I will not allow her to misbehave. I think you need to be tougher on your two, IRNs will take you for a ride if they think they can get away with it! Exude confidence and dont let those little rascals get away with anything.

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Post by jen5239 »

Hey Chamon,
Thanks for the advice. I try to do that when I don't have a camera in my hand. I make him step up and do not stop until he has. And with each time I have to tell him to step up my voice gets a little more stern. He is very flighty tho. Last night I had him out on my computer desk with me and he would just jump straight up in the air and try to fly away. I'm afraid he's going to break a leg or his neck if he doesn't stop this soon. Do you think I need to worry, or is this simply becuz he's so young??

Thanks for all your help,
Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

It is because he is a baby, he is still getting used to everything and everyone.

Just keep doing what I know you havebeen doing and he will get over it. Is he a cuddler? Try holding him up to your chest and stroking his whole body (it keeps them held tight and gives em cuddles) for about 2 minutes, Datsun hated this at first but LOVES it now.

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Post by kyria »

Like D&F said your doing great & Remmi is just young and still unsure. Now I don't know much about babies, but I can agree simply because Jordan (our new baby bird of only a few days) is very unsure on her/his feet and skittish too.

Jordan was very unsure about pets and kisses, didn't like them much and tried to climb up our chest or fly off to escape, but after getting an older bird that is wonderful in every way except wanting to be touched, I decided that my sons bird would not be the same, and only a few days later Jordan loves to be petted and held while you kiss her/him.
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Post by jen5239 »

Remmi will give me kisses and he does let me hold him against my chest and pet his entire body. He also lets me give him scritches on his neck and I can pet under his wings too. So he's not got a problem with that. It's just the initial stepping up and while we're holding him he's constantly trying to escape. So....

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