Help Me! I think my fledgling IRN may die.

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Help Me! I think my fledgling IRN may die.

Post by 14AdeN »

Hi my name is Ade and with a topic such as mine it is regrettable that this is my first post. I purchased a baby IRN on Sunday and I don’t think it will survive. Here in Brisbane Australia summer has been boiling at 32C and high humidity. Since I bought my bird I have not seen it drink or eat, and most of the time it hides under food containers that clip onto the edge of the cage. It’s poos do not show signs of diarrhea. Although there is not as many as I should think.

The IRN came from an aviary. They said the bird had left the next box 5 days before I got it. And the next day when I got there that changed had to 10 days so your guess is as good as any. It was flying in the aviary but only to evade being caught.

My IRN only stays on the bottom of the cage and does not go onto any of the perches or toys I have provided it. Because it hasn’t moved much on Tuesday I removed some of the toys to hopefully give it a sense of more space.

The IRN makes no reaction to whistles or our presence. We are quiet when approaching. We have many wildlife birds in our area and the IRN makes no response or vocalization. Today I was so concerned that I decided to take it out of the cage. I tried to be quick to ease any stress when getting it out it squawked and squawked and squawked, as you could imagine. Once I caught it – gently - it bit up and down my finger and across to the other finger before realizing it was hopeless or helpless, I’m not sure. I put my hand over it’s head to emulate the nest box and this seemed to help. I tried hand feeding carrot, snow peas, corn etc and it would bite it as if to defend itself rather than eat. Before I put it back it I let it fly and it appeared to fly very slowly and would lift its angle of flight to a hover at 5 and 6 feet in the air. There was no such thing as a landing, more a belly flop. Yes it has all its feathers and they have not been clipped.

If I am doing anything wrong do not be afraid to tell me as I would be devastated if I caused this IRN to die. Please help me.
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Re: Help Me! I think my fledgling IRN may die.

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Hi there at a guess if the bird has only been out of the nest for a 5 days before you got it.

Its not wiened off its mum and dad and needs a formula of sorts, there are people on here that know about hand raring.

At its age it should be able to stomich fruit and vege but normally the mum and dad eat it and regergitate it so its like a paste try and blend up some veges (boil then first to sofen it).

On this site i think there are details of what they eat when wiening.

The person you purchased the bird from has stuffed up not you.

Regarding the temp dont worry they arriginate from India so they are aclimatised how temps are the same. probably worse as we dont have the humidity they do.

My birds just servived a week of 40+ temp in sydney.

Ta Glenn

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Re: Help Me! I think my fledgling IRN may die.

Post by ellieelectrons »

Check out this post: ... ?f=1&t=799

You could try feeding it hand rearing mix.

You could also try sprouting seed. You can either make your own or some pet stores will sell it. With sprouting seed you soak it in water for about six hours and then dry it out and let it develop some sprouts and then give it to your bird.

Also, if you are in the general Brisbane area, the Parrot Society has a store that is open on Thursdays and Saturdays at Marsden. They are very reasonably priced for all things parrot.

I think Glenn's advice was good... you could also try pureeing some vegetables.

I wouldn't worry too much about the other behaviours.... sounds like your little guy needs to learn to perch properly and needs to feel more comfortable in your environment... it will take a little while. Quite often new guys will be quiet when you first bring them home. You could try getting a little toy for the cage that resembles another ringneck baby that it can "cuddle" up to... That may offer comfort - one that is the same colour as its siblings. I've seen some people make toys from cheap feather boas from $2 stores.

A few things to try: if you get him out of the cage, you could try putting him in some sort of box for a bit.... it could be a shoebox with the lid off or even a fruit box (with no lid).... You could put food in it, fluffy toys and so on.

Does the floor of your cage have a grate on it or is it flat? I would imagine if the little guy can't perch yet, a flat surface might be better.

He may be able to perch... but may be he can't climb... and it sounds like his flying isn't very good yet, so he probably isn't confident flying in a confined space like the cage.

Good luck... I hope the little guy starts eating soon.

Also, if you want to tame the bird, spending as much time with it as you can is a good idea... but try not to intimidate the little guy.... just do it bit by bit, gently, gently (which it sounds like you're doing).

I really hope you see some improvement soon. Poor, scared, little guy.

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