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Post by sarahb »

well im getting ready for my irn baby's they are due to hatch this Sunday im planning on hand raising them after two weeks just wanted to ask a few things Ive just brought a heat pad for them and am going to get a brooder box this week i wanted to know should i get a light as well to keep them warm or will the heat pad be enough? Also im just about to purchase hand rearing formula and wanted to know how long a 6.8kg bag would last me? there are only 3 eggs and dont know how many are fertile but just going off maximum amount of 3 baby's for the formula. I was planning on using one of those spoons with the sides bent up to hand feed as i was worried about using a syringe but u may have heard on one of my posts that i brought my daughter a 8 week old sun conure and had to syringe to feed it and now feel comfortable using one i wanted to know what type of disinfectant to use on the syringes for cleaning if anyone has any recommendations that would be great. Also if you have any other tip advice that might be handy that would be great!

super excited :mrgreen:

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Post by pinkdevil »

Here is a thread someone wrote for their personal hand feeding. It seems to cover most questions.

For my brooders I use this one ( and another larger one that my partner made for multiple or older birds. I bought the smaller one second hand and had it modified. The hand dimmer switch is comes with was replaced with a micro climate B1 thermostat....not cheap, (, with a dimmer not the on/off version and a heat lamp bulb was used instead of the bulb that comes with the unit. I placed 2 thermometers inside each end of the unit so I can get a gradient temp of the brooder, but usually go by the birds behaviour....huddled together at the heat end or away from the source of the heat and being separated. I adjust the temp accordingly to the birds. The basket I use to keep them in when inside the brooder is not too large but sized enough they can move to either end depending on the temp they want. :)

With the larger brooder Shane made for me, it was an old front glass cupboard converted. It was lined with heatcord on both sides and back. A small computer fan was fitted to circulate the air and heat, but now i don't think it really needed it. Again, I use 2 thermometers for a gradient reading.

I know one breeder who used a bucket with a lamp hovering over the top...that is their brooder and have been using this method for some time. Some people use those plastic storage boxes and drill holes in the lid or place another source for a lid.

I would use the heat mat on one SIDE of the container you are keeping the chicks in or place a towel over the top of the heat mat and sit the container the chicks are in, on part of the heatmat and up one side, (like an "L" shape), so the chicks can choose if they want the hot or cooler end. Did I make sense??? :lol:

I think the amount of baby food you have should see you through. :D
I first rinse my feeding utensils under water, then using mild dishwashing liquid wash as you would dishes and rinse well under hot water. I read vinegar is great for disinfecting or Vetafarm has products used to clean.

I use a bent up spoon with a syringe attachment, (again vetafarm product), just so I can monitor how much I am feeding each bird. But any teaspoon bent on the sides works and is what I first used with my Jasper, the first baby I ever handraised.
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Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:41 pm
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Post by sarahb »

Thanks heaps all very useful advice Ive read up so much on hand rearing i just want to make sure Ive got everything i need and be fully prepared and give my naked baby's the best of everything to try and make sure everything goes to plan and i have happy healthy bubs im really very excited about it all cant wait to see them :mrgreen:
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