Sorry to have posted that last post.

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Sorry to have posted that last post.

Post by jen5239 »

I deleted this. I'm sorry!
Last edited by jen5239 on Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dani03 »

It all depends on if you plan on keeping Byndi caged or not. If you plan on having Bynd be a caged bird all day and NOT take him out then you have to get a larger cage. If you plan on taking him out and spending time with him, then it looks just fine. I guess you trust your breeder enough then right? I mean that you introduced so quickly...most new birds are quarantiend for a period of a month or two but I suppose if you trust that Remmi has nothing wrong...if you see ANYTHING wrong with any one bird take Remmi adn the other two to a vet immediatly. New birds carry all sorts of diseases that can be passed from that one to the others. Keep a close eye on Remmi's health for a few months ok?

Congrats again :wink:

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Post by jen5239 »

Well Dani,
I DON'T have anywhere to "quarantine" Remmi. I've said I have a VERY TINY house. My home consists of four rooms and that's it! So I had no choice. I'm sorry if this offends anyone! Of course I would get my birds to the vet immediately if I notice any of them acting sickly! I'm sorry I guess I've taken a little offense to your post. :oops: I'm sorry! I'm not trying to be pissy, but I guess I am. I do appreciate your concern. And no Byndi is not going to spend his entire life in the cage. I get him out on a daily basis and let him hang on our playstand.
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Post by Dani03 »

I'm sorry if you reacted the way to my post (pissy?) but you have to remember the health concerns for your birds. Am I the only one here who does quarantine??? I've seen healthy pet birds die because a new one was introduced and the owner did not catch the illness. I just wanted you to know to keep an eye on all three of your birds. Please don't take offense to anything I have said. I'm just stating facts that I don't think anyone has bothered to shared on this board. I know you have a tiny house. Also I read posts where someone was recommending you to keep Byndi locked up for the rest of his life! I wasn't sure if you had actually thought about this, personally I think that is wrong and I am glad you decided to not take that as a choice. Please don't get pissy with me, if you don't like what I have to say...don't listen. You are more than welcome to disreguard anything I say but I do care and worry about you and your birds. This goes for everyone on the board as well. :wink:

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Post by Mazziemom »

I hate to be a wet shirt here, but those cages are too small. How do I know? Because Buddy had one of those when he came home, while I was shopping for a nice big one. Even when he was a just weaned, just fledged baby it was too small. I actually have 2 of those cages in storage now.

If you bought those new from the store they probably ran you about 115 each (or more), and you could buy something from ebay for about the same price, with twice the size. Painful to think of I know.

I'd start saving, and get something bigger as soon as you can. You will have problems with those cages. Small cages encourage territorality. They are also a witch to get birds out of when they dont feel like coming out.

BTW, side by side is fine... Mazzie hates Buddy but they are caged side by side... they got used to it and its not a problem at all :)

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Post by Rick_in_PDX »

The Quaranteen issue is like the seed vs pellet vs fresh issue, example... I bring home a new fid, put it in a quarranteen area for 30 days or so, during that time I spend as much time as possible with the bird, it climbs on me, it kisses me ect ect.... now here is the quandry, am I going to take a shower, change my cloths and so one before I go back to the other birds?.... doubtfull, (some may do that but doubtfull).... if I dont what was the point of the quarranteen?..... example, I have one bird at home, and plan on getteng second. the bird comes from say(?) a petstore, I have made many visits to the petstore and then back home.....I do this over a period of say (?) 2 weeks to a month in therory the new bird is in a quarranteen as my thinking its not in the same room as my other bird..... but yet is exposed to anything my bird has and my bird gets exposed to anything the new bird has,... now wild birds that is a diff matter alltogether, they must not be alowed to interact or even feed from the same area, (think out door aviary).....
example: new friends comeing over (Guest) you dont know where they have been what they have touched, petted or done, do you say to them "dont go near my birds your not sterile?" nope doubtfull anyone says that ... we do offer wet-wipes for everyone to wipe hands off but I am not going to say keep away, (offer a bite warning it will keep them from being to touchy feely)
the only way to truely offer a quarranteen is in a steril envirorment, and that folks is nearly impossible if you have a home and if you do venture outside of it. Our vet recomends a 2-3 day quaranteen, but he was quick to point out that it doesnt have to be away in diff. rooms but quarranteen in diff cages and food/water dishes and bath dishes......... hatchlings do not apply here as new clutches do in fact need to be in a more steril enviroment.
I know this is a controversial subject and it can invoke some heated debates, I myself quaranteen for no more than 3 days, NONE OF THEM EVER SHARE A FOOD DISH (the ones housed separately) all our birds go to vet within 24hrs of me getting them, (and a bird can pick up more bad stuff from the vet office than it can ever get from your home) even though they are birds I tend to believe they are very tough and resiliant (hearty). Please dont think I am trying to disspell the quaranteen issue as I am not, I have a home with 8 "fids" now and there is no possible way in hell I am going to shower and change my clothes, everytime I come in contact with a diff "Fid" or our friends home who also has 8 diff birds, or from the bird hut (great place if your ever in Portland Oregon)
3 Quakers ~Wilson~Maddie~Lilly
1 Ringneck ~Rosie

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Post by Dani03 »

Not that I am disagreeing with you Rick but I personally quarantine for atleast a month because some disease birds carry don't show any signs. Now if you take the bird to a certified AVIAN vet and he says the birds look healthy then I personally half the time to two weeks. I am paranoid I know but there is no way I am going to allow my Prinny or tiels to become sick/and or die because I foolishly did not consider the risks of introducing a new one to the house.

(note JEN I am not stating this towards you because you went with a private breeder who probably has her birds checked regulary by a vet)

I don't know about the rest of everyone on the board but this is how I feel. No I do not change my clothes everytime I enter where I would keep the new bird but I am careful to wash my hands and I do sometimes change my shirt, in the first few days/pre vet visit, but after the vet visit I can be a little more relaxed about it.

Sorry for being a trouble maker but I have to bring up some issues that might be potentially dangerous to our babies. Quarantine is a necessary part of being a responsible parrot owner.

I also agree with Mazziemom about Jen's cages but for now they will have to do. Jen it looks good for now but please have the idea of bigger cages later on down the road, ok? We all just want what's best for our parrots... :D

Dani and Prinny
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Post by Rick_in_PDX »

thats why we use the 3 day rule..... but since our home isnt a steril enviroment we do tend to room them together, and will probly continue to do so... bad mommy and daddy I know but we do have some healthy birds, and
3 Quakers ~Wilson~Maddie~Lilly
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Post by jen5239 »

I know these cages are too small for them. BUT with Byndi the way he is I wasn't going to get a huge cage and attempt to get him out of one. When he calms down I will switch him to another bigger cage. And I will switch Remmi when he gets older. I asked people about cage size and was told as long as they didn't spend their entire day inside the cage I didn't have to have a huge one. I let them out the minute I get home from work and on the weekends they are out of the cage the entire time I'm home. I feel like everyone is picking on me and I'm sad. I do give my birds a good home and I hope everyone realizes that. I wouldn't have posted that stupid picture if I'd known this was the reaction. I was just worried about having them beside each other. Rest assured tho', I take care of my babies and I will be getting them larger cages.

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Post by Mazziemom »


Please don't feel that I'm picking on you. I do realize that you are doing the very best for your birds that you can, but you have to expect us to try and help in areas where we see potential problems.

Cage size with ringnecks is often a problem, because people just don't realize how acrobatic they can be. My birds use every inch of a big cage, and with glee. I could probably put them in a huge aviary each and still have them use every inch... they are just active birds.

Quarantine is an issue, because birds do hide illness. Nothing you can do to change it now, so don't fret it, but just keep it in mind if you ever add another bird to your home. I know its hard in a small home... I have 20+ birds in my home at all times and had to build an addition on in order to have a true quarantine area. Its nearly impossible to do true quarantine in a home without doing that, because of the interconnected air vents.

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Post by Mikaela »

At someone's request, I am locking this post for obvious reasons.

Thank you for your advice and understanding. :D
~ Mikaela Sky
