HELP -- My Marty Sick

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HELP -- My Marty Sick

Post by Mom2Marty »

Monday Marty was quieter than usual, but otherwise acted fine, eating, etc. Got home last night, Marty all fluffed out, sitting on the cage bottom, with eyes mostly closed and not moving. Alarm. Picked him up and he had no control of balance, especially on one side, and seemed flaccid all over. Crop was empty. Fed him Exact formula, which is took well. Put a towel nest in cage with some heat. Not very responsive. Stool is liquid, brown. (I do feed colored pellets. But hasn't been eating). This morning no better, worse. Tried feeding, would not. Eyes closed, etc. I'm expecting death. I've tried to figure out what is wrong. Have fed nothing new, celery and peas. No avairy vet close and beside myself. Any ideas??
Marty's Mom, Vicky
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Post by Mazziemom »

If you want him to live, find a vet. He sounds like hes in very bad shape.

Remember, parrots do not show illness until they have no choice. They will hide it until its not possible to hide it anymore.

I dont know where in TX you are, I've never heard of Hutto. I can ask a friend for TX vet refrences if you give me the nearest major city...

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Post by Mikaela »

Sadly, she so is right. We have to get that fella to a vet or it is just a matter of time, at this point.

Put him on your finger, are his feet hot or cold. Cold, I bet. I pray not but let me know, please.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Mom2Marty »

For a number of reasons, I can't get Marty to a vet til later this afternoon. I'm at work now. If he's alive, I'm taking him to a vet I found in Cedar Park, TX. Yes, his feet were cold and he would not grasp my finger. I'm grieving as I feel he is gone. Appreciate your advice. This illness came on so quickly. I have Marty with me every day so feel I would know if things were in the least bit wrong. He's my first ringneck. :cry:
Marty's Mom, Vicky
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Post by Mikaela »


I dont know what to say. Just know it isnt your fault. However, if he does pass please help us narrow down some of the reasons it *may* have happened for research purposes. I, of course, wouldnt ask you to try to do this anytime soon. But when you are are ready to discuss it. I am praying for your baby, have been all day.

I wish I could give you a hug. Please let us know how the lil fella is doing. :cry:

I know you are scared to death to walk in the door as to what you may find but just know we are here for you. I am keeping the page up and eyes pealed on this post. You will have emotional support, I assure you.

I PM'ed you my phone number, I am sure you wont give it out. I dont know if you have support at home. Please, do not hesitate to call me if you need to. Noone has the number but you, if they say 'they had it'... not true.

Maybe some other board members can PM you their number, in case you would feel more comfortable talking with them?
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Jade »

I don't know what to type here. I am literally sitting here at my desk with tears welling up. PLEASE get your Marty to a Vet.

All my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Never assume the worst. My dog was bitten by a tiger brown snake and when we found him he was convulsing and his eyes had rolled back into his head. He was covered in sweat and had lost all control over his bowels and kept weeing himself. The vet told us that he wouldn't survive and to put him down but we didn't. We paid a lot of money for anti-venom serum and it took 2 weeks of extremely tender care but 2 years down the track, and my puppy is fighting fit and healthy.

Please let us know what the vet says so that we can all check our birds for the same signs and hopefully, can avoid heartache.

I truly understand where you are with your thoughts and fears at the moment, and wish I could be there with you to support you personally.

Best of luck and all my love and prayers.
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Post by Mom2Marty »

What a comfort to open this site this morning and know that you folks are so caring. Marty was gone when I got home. I dreaded walking in the door, but in my heart knew he'd flown to the "rainbow bridge" to wait for me. We have a little pet cemetery, as we live in the country, so put Marty beside my kitty I lost last year. I thanked God letting me care for one of his creatures, and He knew all along Marty would spend such a short time with me.

Marty did not show signs of illness until Tuesday evening. I played with him Monday night and he was especially loving and enjoyed nuzzled under my chin while I rubbed the back of his neck. I'm thinking now that perhaps he wasn't feeling well then, and I mistook it for being so sweet. Tuesday when I got home from work he was perched on his food dish and was very quiet, which I found a little odd. Within 30 minutes, he was on the floor of his cage, puffed out, and not very responsive. His cage is in the diningroom, so I watched him while preparing dinner. When I went over to get him out, he literally fell over and was unable to balance himself. At this point he did not even grasp my fingers. I knew he was very sick, and tried feeding him Exact, which he took very well. I placed heat under his grate, and covered his cage to avoid any drafts. I felt that perhaps if he was alive in the morning, he might just make it. Wednesday morning, worse and wouldn't eat at all. Eyes mostly closed, feet clinched. So, basically, within 24 hours this baby died. I even checked his stools, which was easy as I'd just cleaned his cage, and they were normal looking Monday.

Jade or Mikaela, do you have any ideas on this? I've gone on a couple of websites and was reading about different infections, etc., but all that could be wrong is overwhelming.

Again, ladies, thank you for your care and concern. I'm feeling OK this morning as I know God has a plan and reason for all things. I am blessed and thankful for my time with Marty.
Marty's Mom, Vicky
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Post by Mikaela »

I am crying my eyes out, bless you and Marty. I dont even know what to say right now except we are here for you. :cry:

I recommend giving it a day or so for it all to set in before trying to figure out why. I worry about you reading things that make you feel it was your fault. I'll research for you. I will keep you posted as to what I think.

How old was Marty? That will be important in my research. I already know his symptoms, or lack thereof.

I hug you til it hurts. We are crying with you I can promise you that. I will do anything in my power to help you get another baby, if you decide that is what you want/need.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Neokireina »

Thats so sad to hear, Know our thoughts are with you. You did the best you could.
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Post by Mom2Marty »

Mikeala, Marty was hatched April 1st. So, he was only 6 months old -- just a baby. I would be most interested if you come up with any ideas about his illness.

I'm hesitating about wanting another bird right now. But, with time I know that will change.

Thank you again for such sweet support.
Marty's Mom, Vicky
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Post by Mikaela »

Lets start at the basics:

Have scented candles been burned?

Have cleaning agents been used in or near his cage?

Have you recently found him on the floor when you didnt realize it... might have eaten anything, nippled a plant, a piece of chocolate, ect.?

Have you burned anything in a teflon pan?

We are going to have to do a process of elimination because short of an autopsy, we can only speculate unless we can pin something down.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Jade »

I am so sorry. I am literally sitting here crying my eyes out. You couldn't have done anything more for little Marty, than what you did. Please don't blame yourself.

I agree with Mikaela, you need to go through everything in a process of elimination. It may have even been a genetic weakness. He could have been bitten by a spider or eaten something you don't know about. I know my Chook has 'stolen' vitamin tablets before but luckily we have found him with them before he has had time to munch.

Once again, all my thoughts are with you, my love and my prayers.

Vale Marty.
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Post by Mom2Marty »

Marty had not recently gotten onto the floor. I watch him very closely as I have two dachshunds.

I do use 409 to spot clean his poopies on the floor, but have done this for months. I use the vaccum around his cage, nearly daily.

Nothing different in his diet. My husband tended to give him more bread/crackers than he needed, but Marty was such a beggar. My husband is a soft touch, and I have to fight to keep my dachshunds weight down.

I don't own teflon pans. Haven't burned up anything in the kitchen lately. :)

A spider is a possibility as right now they are a problem. Haven't seen any webs in his cage or area, though.

Could he have had a stroke? Seemed really week on his right side, even before becoming completely flaccid.

Any ideas? I've never owned a ringneck so I've had to read and research to be sure I was doing the best I could for him.
Marty's Mom, Vicky
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Post by Mikaela »

I have spoken to many professionals and everyone agrees, short of an autopsy even trying to figure out why is a waste of time.

There is no explanation, really, which makes it harder to accept, probably.

Want me to find out about atopsys? I would HAVE to know. Especially considering his age.

How is your husband taking it? Remember, guys internalize things and he is dealing with the loss too. God bless all ya.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Mom2Marty »

We've already put Marty to rest. So no to an autospy. I know the next bird will be fed to the letter, and every precaution made. Dave is doing OK. He has a very tender heart and we had tears together. But, he believes as I do, that God has a purpose in this. I've already met you and others on this site. This is a wonderful result.

Bless your heart, Mikaela.
Marty's Mom, Vicky
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Post by Melika »

A stroke could be possible, but as Mikaela said without a necropsy there is no definitive way to tell.

A bird can have a fright, fly around it's cage and cause head trauma- we just can't prevent everything. Though we sure would love to!

His stool change is consistant with not eating for a period of time. Even just a day without eating gives a bird watery stools.

I wonder, had Marty been outside before he became ill? Wild birds can carry disease and exposure to them or their feces can transmit illnesses.

The most I can offer now is support and compassion, which I give wholeheartedly. I know that Marty's life was enhanced having you and vice versa. What wonderful creatures God has given us. :)
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by ringybaby »

I am so sorry for your recent loss of your beloved feathered friend. :cry:

I can honestly say (from lots of experience with ill birds) That until it is too late a bird will not show that it is sick. They do this for a reason.

When you can see that your bird is not well the VERY first thing that you can do is provide warmth, do this by putting him/her in a box with a towel inside it and a hot water bottle or heatpad underneath to provide the warmth. Close the lid so that it is dark and the bird can rest without stressing out further. Warmth for a sick bird is of the utmost importance. If necessary then you can give him/her a little feed - only when they have warmed up though. If you feed the bird when their temperature is down then you will only end up having a sick bird that has also got sour crop. A birds core temperature is believed to be about 41deg celcius - about 4 deg celcius above a human.

I hope that this will help somebody in the future.

PS - the reason i know this is that my late mother used to be the chairperson of Wildlife Rescue Service in NSW Aust. I have dealt with birds from swallow size to wedgetail size :roll:
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