What size cage and bar spacing is correct for an IRN???

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What size cage and bar spacing is correct for an IRN???

Post by Tiki »

I have read different opinions on what size cage you should house an IRN in. What size cage does everyone else here have. Tiki seems perfectly happy with his cage now, but since he is only 11 weeks old, will he outgrow it or is he already pretty much full grown? The current cage I have him in is 20"wx20"dx28.5"h with a 5/8 bar spacing.
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Post by Melika »

Largest bar spacing should be 3/4", any bigger and I think my hane would be able to stick his head out. ^_^

This was the cage I bought in silver and I'm very happy with it.

http://demsondpetdepot.com/Merchant2/me ... ry_Code=PC

Only thing was the perch that came with it was amazon sized, but I had spare perches on hand for it anyway. :)

My sister even bought the same exact cage after seeing mine. 8)
Lisa's Tiki
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Post by Lisa's Tiki »

I almost got this exact same cage from the same person, but I found another one on Ebay I liked better: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... otohosting. It is a little bit bigger than yours.

However, I did buy my tiels cage from the exact same place, except it is the next size down version. Tiki's cage is the same size as the tiels, however it is the flat to version and is only 28.5" tall for the interior height. After I put Tiki in it, I realized he was going to outgrow it FAST!
I bought Tiki's cage at a local swap meet for only $45, so I don't worry about loosing too much money on him outgrowing it. I am still going to use it as an outside cage to put my fids in so they can get some fresh air.
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Post by Melika »

Awesome. I remember seeing that cage too- back when I was shopping. Very nice. ^_^

The parents of Hane are in a smaller cage than what I have, and I feel bad for them but they don't seem unhappy.

Bigger is better! Some of my toys are bigger than Hane himself, my brother and his wife said you can't see the bird for all the toys- lol!

Hey, where do you go for good toys? I've looked at different places, though I think the ones I have now are all from www.drsfosterandsmith.com 0.o all different kinds.
Lisa's Tiki
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Tiki's toys

Post by Lisa's Tiki »

Some of Tiki's toys came from the breeder I got him from, because the breeder also has a website and he manufactures toys here is his link:
I also got some toys from a local Petco that had a GREAT deal on toys for only $1.98. All of the toys I got him orig. retailed for $8.99 up to $13.99.
However Tiki's favorite toys are his baby link rings that I picked up at a yard sale and his Monkey's in a barrell toys that came from a happy meal, however these monkey's can be purchased as the complete game from probably any local store with a toy department.
Also one of his favorite toys is just a plain piece of white Xerox paper! It is cheap and he LOVES to tear it up! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Melika »

Same here, Hane gets a sheet of paper when I clean his cage- after I take him out of course. He tries to nibble my eyes if I'm cleaning with him in it. xD

We don't have a Petco near us, only Pet's Mart which isn't so bad. They've even begun treating their birds better (had the cutest little black-capped conure there! So wanted to buy it. And also a MALE ringneck but I already have one of those, lol).

I'll check out that site, thanks. ^_^
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