Hi. Me and Lilly are new here... Need HELP!!

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Hi. Me and Lilly are new here... Need HELP!!

Post by shebak_khan »

Hello everyone. this is a wonderful forum which has helped me a lot in these first few days. I have recently bought a Green grey lacewing I call her Lilly. She is about 9 months old as told by the owner and a female. She is not DNA tested but I believe in what the previous owner said.

She is scared of me which explains she is not hand fed or tamed. I'm trying hard to calm her down and following instructions given on this forum. She is taking treats of my hands and when I sit next to her cage she doesn't run away but moving my hands etc. scares her.

One thing I'm not sure is to whether clip her wings coz she can fly and I have to catch her to put her back into the cage and doing so I'm scaring her. Or other option is to not let her out for a couple of weeks. I can't let her fly around and get herself hurt tryn to escape plus she gets scared of me. PLZ HELP!!!
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Re: Hi. Me and Lilly are new here... Need HELP!!

Post by MissK »

Use high value treats to get her back in the cage.

First, give her treats (either by hand or in the cup) until she understands the steps that lead up to treats happening. For instance, Rocky absolutely knows the sound of the jar opening or the treat hitting the steel cup. He doesn't have to see the treat to know where it is.

Second, provide her with whatever help she needs to negotiate the cage door on her own. For instance, Sinbad needed a perch fixed on the door so he would have something to step to on the outside - since with the door standing open, the inside of the door becomes outside the cage.

Third, when you place the treat inside the cage to lure her back in, get out of her way. She might not come back with you standing there. Move to the other side of the room, or out of the room if you must.

Fourth, if it is not disruptive to her, add another great treat to the cage when you shut the door.
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