Hello, new IRN owner here

Let us know a little about yourself! Tell us about your birds and why you are here.

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Hello, new IRN owner here

Post by Hedgehog »

Hello, I'm new to the bird raising life style actually my 23 year old daughter and I started about 3 months ago. We got a male 7 month old Jendey Conure, man what a bird he's turned out to be. What clown and he loves us. Then we got a 9 month old Green Cheek Conure. Two clowns, but the Green Cheek is differently delightful. We had completely enjoyed owning these feathered friends. These were actually my daughters birds so I decided that I wanted a bird to call my own.

Now I have a 5 month old IRN, it's green, a fairly common representative of it's type. He's been in my home for a little over a week now. Even though it's only been a short time I can say he's an entirely different animal (yes I know it's a bird).

The Green Cheek never bites, but I can absolutely assure you that a Jendey has a formidable bite. He rarely bites to be mean, but when he ratchets his beak for power he will draw blood. I mentioned that to say that I know a real bird bite when it happens. The IRN, I call him Carl has relaxed a lot in the past week. At first I was worried about him not eating or moving for that matter. After a couple days he started to eat, even taking food from my hand. Then he started looking around, exploring is new home. The bird has shown that he is becoming comfortable. Now for the but, he's a biter, but nothing like the Jendey for power, but lets face it the IRN has a serious neck and Carl can strike quick like a snake. Is this typical bluffing or is it nervousness or should I/we be worried about it? ........aaaannnndd this was probably a question for the open forums. Sorry guys, I'm trying to get it right with Carl.
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Re: Hello, new IRN owner here

Post by InTheAir »

Welcome! Congrats on your new friend.

That sounds like a nice little flock you have.

I haven't had much contact with conures, but they really are different from indian ringnecks! Conures, from what I am given to understand, are tactile, cuddly birds. Most irns are more "hands off".

I don't think Carl is a biter, he is only a young thing. I have not experienced bluffing from either of my birds and I get really worried by some of the advice on it. I think applying aba is much more effective. You have probably already come across Dr Susan Friedmans work, but if you haven't, I can't recommend her website highly enough for irn owners. Here is a great introduction to figuring out behaviour
http://www.behaviorworks.org/files/arti ... 202004.pdf

I have 2 irns and have a couple friends who keep some too and my observations are that they are quick little birds, quick to learn, quick to react and quick to take flight. They really don't seem to respond well to force or coercion, even in its mildest forms. The quickness also extends to a quick warning that they intend to bite before they do it. The only thing I have noticed that they can take their time about is making friends with new humans :lol:
That may be because my sample size is small and most aren't socialised with strangers extensively, but I have noticed that our Nila will fly to land on new people's shoulder quite quickly but will not let strangers handle him to the same extent we can. He is more likely to bite a stranger who is pushy with him and if my bf or I handle him in a way he doesn't like he is more likely to growl a warning so we back off.

So, would guess your bird needs more time to adjust and get to know you, as well as you getting to know what he likes and dislikes and the warning signs that come before a reaction.

I hope that helps, irns are delightful creatures when you get to know them.

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