I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

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I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by SophieMylene »

Hi all, so about 2 months ago I bought an untame, full grown male Indian ringneck. I have always wanted a parrot and saved up for a long time, gradually buying everything I would need for my own ringneck, finally I got him and brought him home.

I posted a new topic on here about when I first got him and most people said that I would eventually be able to tame him in time. I was told at the bird shop that I got him from that he was about 1- which I believe to be wrong as he has a full, solid black ring around his neck, so I'm assuming he could be anywhere from 3 upwards.

He is getting more used to me gradually- I have target trained him and he will take food from my hand (not a flat palm, he is scared of that), I have not yet been able to touch him of have him stand on my hand or arm. I feel like I've his a brick wall with his trust. Some days he even lunges at me. :( Will I ever be able to get him to trust me enough to step up?

I can't help feeling that I can't give him what he needs.. He has a very spacious cage and plenty of toys, I am at at school from 8:30 am to around 1:30 most days, but as soon as I get home I open his cage door, and it usually stay open until about 6:00 pm when I give him his dinner. But most of the time he doesn't come out, and if he does he doesn't stay out for long. He has foot toys on top of his cage and a large perch stand that he can go to. He also has my budgies play stand next to his cage so that he can play on that if he wants- he seems to have taken a liking to that recently and sits there sometimes. I've attached a picture of his cage and area- sorry if the quality isn't very good.
George's area
George's area
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I'm worried that he might be becoming depressed because he is on his own and I can't give him the interaction that he needs because he is scared of me. I can't help but think that he might be happier if I rehomed to an owner with an aviary but it would break my heart and that's the last thing I would want to do, I love him to pieces. And because I love him so dearly, I would do the right thing if it meant he would have a happy life. I just can't bare the thought of him spending his whole life unhappy because he can't get the interaction that he needs due to being scared of me :(

I don't know, I guess I came on here to ask for some advice from experienced parrot owners on how I can give him the happiest and longest life possible. George is my first large parrot (other than my 2 budgies) and quite honestly I have no idea what to do. Maybe getting him a friend would help? When I got him he was with a female so I'm guessing she was his mate.. Maybe he's lonely?

Although I don't (and may never) have the relationship with George that I dreamed of when I picked him in the shop, I will never give up on him.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you.
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by AJPeter »

You have done very well the cage is nicely up against a wall, l would think you need more time to socialize with him eat your meals next to his cage encourage him to come out. Sit by him when he wants to eat. My bird lunges at me l think she thinks it is a game. She bit me today does that mean she does not like me or was l doing something she did not want. In fact l was covering her cage and she was not ready to be covered. So l turned her anti social behaviour into a game and pretended to wrap her up in the blanket, I think she enjoyed the interreaction because shortly after l was able to cover her cage. Try and move your hands slowly, watch what he is doing, some birds will take longer to socialize, don't give up on him, he is only a bird
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by SophieMylene »

Thank you, I have been feeding him on the budgie stand and leaving little treats about to get him to come out more
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by InTheAir »


My untame birdy was only 3 months old so she decided I was ok very quickly and adapted to being a house parrot. Even though my bird would happily climb on my hand after a couple weeks, it has still taken months for her to get to the point where she wants to sit on my shoulder to preen or rest. To an adult bird that isn't tame, I don't think 2 months is very long, especially as he may have been forcefully handled before he came to you.
Missk just got an untame older bird too, here is her thread http://www.indianringneck.com/forum/vie ... =7&t=19426
I'm sure you guys can compare notes etc.

Good luck!
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by MissK »

Sophie, Don't give up! Remember there is no deadline to meet with your bird.

Consider how much you have accomplished with him. Obviously you are a capable trainer. You are not an expert, but you have the capacity to learn, apply what you learn, and get the desired result. Pat yourself on the back.

You have a great training accessory in your Budgies, if George can do his part. Did you see my little story of how Rocky learned to step up, hidden somewhere in my million posts? In a nutshell, I gave Rocky a Budgie for company, in the next cage over, and a month later Rocky gave me the Christmas present of stepping up onto my wrist *uninvited* while I was cleaning his cage. I had trained the new little Budgie to step onto my finger and stay there, right next to Rocky, and I feel that was the final seal of approval he needed to trust that it would be OK. I remember that "brick wall", however, and I sympathize. I know it is demoralizing. :(

Now, I cannot swear Budgies will help you too. It's not a thing with a certain result, like mixing blue and yellow to make green. However, if you can work with your Budgies close to George, every day, where he can watch you handle them and them not mind, I think it will help. Your Budgies certainly won't mind extra time with you! We do know that Ringnecks can learn by observation.

How's George's tail looking these days, by the way?

I agree with InTheAir, 2 months to an untame adult Ringneck is probably more like 2 minutes to me.
I agree with AJPeter that you should eat with your bird and that the cage is best placed up to a wall.

I would like to see the cage raised two feet up if possible. You could build or have built a little platform from lumber, modify a thrift store table, or you might even be able to set it up on cement blocks. Likewise, I feel the corner location might be so protected as to feel like a box- or a trap. I also wonder what's around that corner to the left as we look at the cage. George has no way to see what's coming around that corner and people appearing suddenly from there might give him a scare. I would really love to see you modify the cage situation to address these points and see if you notice an improvement in George's confidence and comfort level. I would really, really love to hear you made modifications and four months later noticed he had stopped lunging.

I don't think you should be considering sending George away to "an aviary" at this time when you clearly are so fond of him and there are so many things you have not yet had a chance to try. Rocky and Sinbad and I believe in you and George!
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by SophieMylene »

Hi! Thank you for the advice everyone, I remember my dad bringing home some breeze blocks home so when I get home today I will block up his cage and send a new picture. I have read that of their cage is higher than you and they are on top a lot of the time that they can get territorial and aggressive? Just to the left of his cage is the window so no one can walk out from there and scare him. George is currently going through a molt and his tail feathers are growing back beautifully.
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I have decided that I am going to let him grow his wing feathers back too so that he can fly :) maybe moulting could be making him cranky ?

Are my budgies enough company for him even if they are on the other side of the room? Because he attacks them through the bars if they are any closer and I would hate for him to hurt either of them.

Thank you again for all of the advice, I will make the changes and get back to you!
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by MissK »

If George attacks Budgies, then they are best sited as far away as he decides is right. That's big shame - it could change, or maybe not. He can still watch you handle them, though, and I still think you should let them demonstrate daily that being handled is good.

They say molting is uncomfortable, and I know my Canary looks like he feels worn out and sick at every molt. My Budgies seem not to care a lot. Perhaps it's an individual thing. They say extra humidity and protein is helpful at this time. George is looking beautiful, for sure.

I would love for his wings to grow back in. Not only will he skip the trauma of having them cut, he will enjoy being in one piece. Think of how things would go for you if your shoe laces were tied together. You could make it around, but you'd be artificially crippled, and you'd know. Maybe if there was a bad guy showing some interest in you it might cause you to be overly worried, since you knew you could not run away properly. I realize you clipped them for a reason, but perhaps that reason has changed or you have found a new way to handle it?

About height dominance - I think it is utter hogwash, at least where Ringnecks are concerned. All of my birds enjoy a perch that is as high as my chin when I am standing. They would be higher if my cages were taller, but that's how it goes. My brand new Budgie cages are not that high, and I actually am looking to raise them. Rocky's pay area is on top the cage - over my head, for sure. The Canary has a cage that sits on a tabletop and is 3 feet high. I've never noticed any kind of dominance play in any of my birds. My Linnie sits over my head almost every minute I am at the computer. If anything, their high perches let them relax in perceived safety and I think that actually reduces the chance of nasty (defensive) behaviour. As far as I'm concerned, HUMANS are the ones with the dominance issue.

My birds are, overall, not territorial about their cages, but this may be because I gently refuse to accommodate territoriality. Rocky gets a little feisty in early breeding season, but I just gracefully and slowly block any unacceptable advance, speak gently to him, and go about my business. Some birds are quite territorial about their cages, others never heard of the concept.
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by SophieMylene »

Thank you so much, you have really helped me. Turns put the breeze blocks I thought we had have been dumped, but I will be raising the cage as soon as I can get some more, hopefully then he will use the lower half of his cage more as he won't feel so uncomfortable of being down low.

As for the wings- It's horrible not seeing him be able to fly, I loves watching him fly round my room for the sheer pleasure of it when I first brought him home. I was just so fearful that he would end up killing himself by hitting the window or walls that I thought it best for him. I now have nets on my windows that are technically to big for the window, but they pleat (If you know what I mean) enough that the window no longer looks like something he can fly through. His perch is also next to the window so he can look out through the nets if he wants, so I'm hoping that he has realised that he can't go through it now and has got used to my room :)

The budgies are on the other side of the room where he can see them, but there's about 10 ft between them and he's happy with that.

He seems in a better mood today, he is on top of his cage playing with his foot toys and singing- I think it may be the molting that is getting him down.

Thanks again for all of the help, I will keep you all updated with any progress. In fact, he has just hopped over onto his perch (which is at the end of my bed) to come and see me for a raisin I was eating :D he also took a treat from me with my hand inside his cage today (he usually runs away and panics if my hand goes near him inside his cage, even though he takes treats through the bars and when he's outside of his cage) yay I'm so happy, it seems I panicked and thought I was doing everything wrong too soon. I'm so grateful for all of your help. Thanks again!
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by MissK »

Sophie, You're welcome. I hope you will check back in and let us know how the suggestions play out in your life. Honestly, if George is coming to you, in whatever location, to take your food, in my opinion, You're In. You have what you need.

If you stick with George I just know you will have a super rewarding experience. There's just nothing like looking at your second hand bird and seeing all the ways he has improved since someone else gave up on him.

Feel free to pm me if I miss any more of your posts and I will try to help. You know I have just started my little journey with Mr. Sinbad Silly Pants, and I think he is actually a little bit behind George right now. But he has figured out that I have the food and I'm willing to drop it in his cup, so we're on the way!
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by SophieMylene »

Hi all,

I blocked up George's cage this evening by 2ft, and he seems to like it, he is more eager to play with the toys on the bottom half of his cage. I plan to buy some more perches and toys for the bottom half now that he is using it :)
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He seems to be going through fazes, one day he'll be eager to be out of his cage taking treats and playing on his perch etc. and other days he won't even come out. I'm not sure if this is to do with his molt as he also seems to be off his food on the days that he doesn't come out as much, and there are lots of feathers on the bottom of his cage (more so on some days than others)

Hopefully he'll come round soon so I can have the friend that I wished for :)
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Re: I'm in need of a little advice and reassurance

Post by AJPeter »

George has the friend he always wished for, they shape us to fit their needs
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