First time owner, new to all of this

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First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

Hello all,

My husband and I recently adopted a lovely little IRN, we believe he is about 6-7 months old. We have had him for about three weeks and he seems to be adjusting very well- playing and climbing all over his cage, enjoying all the veggies and fruits he receives daily, preening twice a day, and practicing his talking sounds. Franklin, as we've come to call him, is such a beautiful boy and we cannot wait for what is in store. At this point, he does not like to be touched and he is not trained, but he is not aggressive. Because we got him from the local animal shelter where I work, I know he's been through a lot- breeder ( he's banded), first owner, becoming lost, making it to the pound, ending up to the shelter, and finally in his forever home with us. Everyday his trust grows, and he demands our attention and constantly shows off his wings. He really loves hanging out with us in the office, he will usually stay on his perch, sometimes he heads to the back of a chair or top of a monitor and just chills, sometimes naps.

My husband and I are overwhelmed with love for Franklin. This is our first bird and his antics and personality are very entertaining. We can't wait to start training him.

This website and forum have been very useful in our research. I'm very thankful for the information. :D
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by AJPeter »

Welcome, a have you got a cage for Franklin?
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

Most definitely. He loves his cage and his toys.
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by Donovan »

What sort of training do you want to do with him?..

I mean, do you want him to sing and dance?.. fly to you when called?.. or just be petted?

petting can be tricky with IRNs because I believe for the most part they don't like it, though there are some who seem to love it completely.
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

I'd like to be able to train him to: fly when called, dance, step up on my hand, accept treats from my hand, turn around, and ideally, I would love for him to want to be petted but I know it's not always the case.
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by Annie »

so what's going on with Franklin now??
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

Franklin is doing wonderful! He has began to take food from my hand, step up, he knows how to 'poo on the paper', and he loves to have a shower. He is still quite hand shy but I got to pet him for the first time about 3 days ago. He enjoyed it at first but once he realized my hand was giving him the nice head scratch he gave me a warning lunge. Other than that he has been showing more and more of his personality each day. He is amazing and I love him.
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by Annie »

That's encouraging!! Ours is about the same age and we are just in the first three days. It's great he's stepping up- did you have to work with him a lot, what "method" helped you the most?
Ours will take food from my hand easily- but I can tell is still weary of this whole new situation.
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

I have had to work with him every single day. I keep it to about 10 minutes, maybe 15 (depends on his mood and what I'm tempting him with....fresh corn and pomegranate are his weaknesses). I would recommend to keep it shorter for now since he is still so new and getting to know you and his environment. Especially since Franklin is still hand shy, I use a stick and get him to step up on that. It is important to remember to ALWAYS say step up, every single time. I have Franklin to the point now where he will step up from the stick to my forearm. I keep my hand in a fist for two reasons, so it won't scare him and so he won't bite me. To help move things along with your little one, find out what his favorite treats are, remove them from his diet, and only use them in training sessions. Remember, these birds live quite a long time, so don't worry about rushing things. He or she will need lots of time and patience before they are willing to become a loving family member. From the research I have done, and my own experience, it takes anywhere from one to two weeks for them to become comfortable with their new life and family. My advice is to not push him or her too hard, too fast because it will overwhelm him/her and moving in with a new family is a lot of change already. You don't want to cause any more stress. Franklin started out terrified, and slowly shifted to my secret admirer. I think now he is transitioning, albeit slowly, into my loyal, loving companion. Don't give up, don't be afraid to give your bird space, and stay positive. Didn't mean to ramble, yet I hope what I said helps you out. :) Peace! Nicole and Franklin
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by Annie »

Thanks- very helpful and well put and the time frame was helpful. When you worked with him at first would it always just be through the bars of a closed cage?
And then I should work my way up to open cage- stepping out?
For instance today, I approached the cage- it's in our main living area with my small treat and stood by the cage opposite him offering him the treat.
He did not approach and I spoke minimally and calmly- then he started giving me an unpleasant squak- so I just let him be.
Later however I took him outside (I live in Miami) and he took a misting shower and loved it!!

Our last bird, also an IRN, I gave him a multi seed and grain mix from the pet shop- let him have it liberally as desired - with occasional fresh fruit treats.
But here I've been reading about parrot "chops" etc. I made one for this guy and he loves it.
My question is How do you feed your parrot- is he ever with no food in the cage?
I always have fresh water and this guy makes much more of a mess in his water than our prior bird- so I change it twice a day or more.
Thanks, Annie
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

In the first few weeks with Franklin, I tried to offer him treats through the bars and he refused to take them directly from me. I began to clip or wedge the treats between the bars and go across the room to wait and see if he would go for it. At first he would not even eat in front of me and would even drop food if I glanced his way. Each day I would move my chair closer and just sit and read out loud or talk to him and eventually he would eat in front of me. I learned that he panics when I try to put my hands in the cage, so I let him have his cage as his domain, his safe zone. To let him know he is safe when he is in the cage, I would walk up and put my hands on both sides and speak to him in a soothing tone. At first he would make his angry sounds, lunge towards me, hide at the bottom etc. but once he realized I couldn't get in his cage he calmed down a bit. Franklins cage is just that... Franklins. I only go in to clean, change out his food bowls, or hang a new toy. He needs to associate his cage as a fun, safe place where he gets his meals and actually enjoys being in there.
Now, back to the food part. Once I realized there is no way I will get him to take treats from me while he was in his cage I began a new process. Outside of his cage he has three perches and he loves being out. I began to place treats at the opposite side of the cage from him and take a few steps back. At first he would not go for it if I was looking, but each day I took one step closer and closer and stood my ground while he ate his treat. All the while giving him praise and talking to him. After doing this everyday for a few weeks he got to the point where he would race to get to his treat no matter what I was doing. That's when I knew it was time for the next step..... Taking it from my hand. The first day I did this he realized he was going to have to go near my hand and actually interact with me, he was so mad. He screamed and lunged, but I stayed vigilant and even though my arm was killing me I held my post. After he realized a tantrum was getting him no where he finally took the slice of corn from my hand. I wanted to cry with happiness because it was such a huge step for him. I kept this up, moving closer and closer each day.... While at the same time making the corn smaller and smaller. Once he was used to this method I took individual corn kernels and placed them in my palm. I laid my hand next to him and he threw his tantrum and gave me a nip, but he eventually took the bait gently from me. He is at the point now where he will take just about anything from my hands, and in a gentle way. Still doesn't want much petting, but everyday his trust grows.
As far as his daily food routine, he always has fresh, clean water. I also have a pellet bowl which I leave all day. I'm lucky if he even eats one or two but I want him to have the pellets as a source of vitamins and minerals. For breakfast (which is eaten in the cage) I give him peas (everyday he gets about 10) and rotate between his favorite fruits and veggies, giving him more veg than fruit. For example this morning he gad his daily dose of peas, a slice of red capsicum, one grape, one small slice of pear, and three small carrot slices. I learned he only likes the freshest of the fresh. He usually eats if up right away and I take out his fresh food bowl after an hour, regardless of what he's eaten. This helps him realize when breakfast is and that he doesn't get to graze all day. I then let him out for some outside time and then About 11am he gets his foraging cup placed in his cage. It has seeds but just enough to cover the bottom and a something fresh that he didn't already have at breakfast. I leave the cage open and he goes in on his own. I let him hang out and only put him back in the cage for his naptime or if I'm headed out. Dinner time is the same as breakfast but a different variety of fruit or veg so he doesn't get tired of eating the same thing all the time.
I keep him on the same schedule and he lets me know if breakfast or dinner is late. I give him a few small snacks throughout. the day during training or so he can forage. He only gets his seeds from 11am until naptime, take it or leave it. Foraging is vital for their health as that would be what they would do in the wild. Try to give your baby more veggies and fruits and less seeds. Seeds are like candy to them and need to be given in moderation. Some avian vets even recommend no seeds, but these birds eat them in the wild, so I feel as long as Franklins diet isn't mostly seeds I think it's just fine. Remember keeping him on a predictable schedule will help him trust you faster and make him more comfortable. Also once you get to know how much your bird needs to eat each day, it will be easier to make sure he gets full. Franklin is growing as he is a teenager and let's me know when he is still hungry and I adjust accordingly by giving him more veggies.
Hope this helps! I know this was long, I just want to be thorough.
By the way, what color is yours and what's its name?
Love that he liked the shower! Franklin will sometimes fly into the bathroom and hop in the shower and chirp at me.... Even if he's already had his morning shower, he loves it that much. :)
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by Annie »

Thanks for that great reply. I find my hardest part is patience. I will need to set a timer for myself to just WAIT - but so far so good. So you do not take him out of the cage, but just leave the door open for his "outside time"?
Our bird is Green and although he came with a name, it wasn't used much and we don't care for it. We are still deciding- there are 5 of us= and we are trying to get to know him too. So mostly I call him "fella" or more generic things- My goal is to name him ASAP- but I want it to be the right fit.
When we lost our bird Skylar- a bright blue IRN- I wanted to go with another color- and then we found a couple having to give theirs up and he was green. So it worked well.
Even though we had our last parrot for just over a year, I find my interest in learning more and more has improved!! Plus this fella is so young- so lots to learn!!
We got our last guy at age 4 years- talking- Still hoping he may find his way back!!
Thanks for your answers- Let's keep up.
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Re: First time owner, new to all of this

Post by nicoleelise89 »

I found that I had to force myself to be patient. It is so hard because you want to cuddle or pet your bird on the first day, but it takes a long while to be able to get to the point.
When it is time for Franklin to have his outside time, sometimes I make him step up on the stick and let him out. He prefers to let himself out, it makes him feel independent I think. Plus, he knows where he is supposed to go (to his perches, which are on the top/sides of the cage). The first time I tried to make him step up on the stick to let him out, he just flew out across the room. He did that a few times but I would always go get him and place him to his perches. Once he figured out where he was supposed to go, he still flew out, but flew straight to his 'spot'. The next day I just opened the cage and waited without asking him to step up and he climbed right out and went to his 'spot'. This was in the 2nd week of having him and now he knows the stick is 'step-up' and that he is supposed to step up.
Today he was out on our closed in balcony perching on the clothes line and I got him to step on to my arm without him stepping up on the stick first. It was another breakthrough. :)
Good luck with picking out a name. I'm sure you find something that fits his/her personality just right. Let me know what you end up deciding upon. Or if you need anything else at all!

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