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Advise please I'm new to this!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:26 am
by Blgb005
We got an ring neck on Monday night and he/she is 11 week old. So far he/she hasn't made a noise and is sat quite fluffed up, but is moving around the cage quite regularly and eating and drinking well. Do you think we should be concerned yet as it is only 48 hours or is it settling in stress? I asked the internet but it just makes me panic. Had many birds before but this one is new to me

Re: Advise please I'm new to this!

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:46 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, this is quite normal, they need to acclimatise and settle in with the minimum of fuss, noise, and interference, but don't be fooled!, they take Everything in!, Ms Sanjay would hop on to the perch nearest to me when I was talking on the phone!, eavesdropping. Trust is built up slowly, and you need tons of patience, I wish you many happy years together.