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Removing a wing

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:31 pm
by Clare
My IRN has a growth on his wing joint. The vet said there was not much that could be done because its on the joint. She said it may be cancer but didn't do any tests, just said to leave it be and come back before 'it gets to the size of a golf ball'. Its about doubled in size over the last 3 months(which is when I got him). I have been reading about cancers in birds and read an article last night about removing a wing to stop the spread of the cancer. The vet didn't mention this though.

Has anyone heard of an IRN living without a wing or what are your thoughts, if it was cancer would you remove a wing if it prolonged his life?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:35 am
by nil
i dont agree with your vet
if it is canser, it must surgery as soon as possible, not waiting to large like ball ???
but maybe it isnt canser, so a antiobiotic probably must be useful.
i dont know what is your country doing, but i think that most vets dont know many about birds.
i think you must see and other vets, if you find an avian vet, its preferable. First of all vet must do a biopsy and microbilogical cultivation
to your bird growth to find what the growth is. And all of that asap.
good luck to you and your baby.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:02 am
by nil
do your bird take any medicines?
if your bird has canser ( i hope not), there are medicines for that (corticosteroids like prednisolone, other specific medicines).
but i still believe that maybe a inflammatory ( mycoplasma per example create crowths and need tetracyclines for treatment).
the diet also has important role for canser :

Conventional medicine. Depending on the type of cancer and its location, surgery may or may not be used to remove the tumor(s). Radiation, chemotherapy or both may also be included.

Holistic medicine. The best defense against most types of cancer is a strong immune system. However, depending on the type and location of the cancer, as well as the animal’s general condition, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy may or may not be used initially to remove or kill cancerous cells. Regardless, nutritional changes offer additional support. For example, decreasing carbohydrates can “starve” cancer cells (glucose is a cancer cell’s favorite fuel) and increasing omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the formation and spread of cancers and guard against wasting. Antioxidant supplements and immune system-enhancing herbs such as the antimicrobials garlic (Allium sativum) and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) are other options for ongoing treatment and to protect animals against the toxic effects of conventional treatments.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:18 am
by kyria
:cry: I don't know ,, if it would save my birds life and that was the only way .. yes I would no doubt about it, I believe they could still have a good quality of life.

Avian Vet...

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:50 am
by BigChicken
I agree Nil, I would definitely go back to the vet, or better yet, find another AVIAN vet if possible. Of course I don’t know anything about your vet, but I would defiantly be questioning the wait and see method! As for removing the ring, no question, if a qualified vet said it was necessary, I would have it done immediately. As for quility of life, there probably isn’t much of a difference from the point of view of the bird from having clipped wings. I could be wrong, but I don’t thin there would be any psychological issues to worry about.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:06 am
by Fah
My friend has the most gorgeous pet sun conure. The poor thing had its wing damaged before it started to pin feathers and as a consequence it has only half of a wing.. the part from the "elbow" as such and onwards doesnt exist.

It lives quite a happy life and even though you see it wanting to fly.. it is of no difference to its life compared to a clipped bub.

If I were you, like I do with any serious medical judgement... human and pet alike... I always seek a second opinion. Doesn't hurt.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:23 pm
by Lauren
:( So sorry to hear of this. Poor lil bub. I agree, get a second opinion. If amputating the wing is best, I don't think one wing would hinder the birds quality of life. Its a whole other story in the wild unfortunately. You would be giving the best care possible. Of course, having one wing, your bird might be more prone to accidents around the house. But you'll be there to catch him. :wink: