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Different personalities

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:17 am
by laine
I went to a pet shop the other day and there was a cage with 3 ringnecks. All beautiful however displayed completely different personalities even though they were so young. Two were blue and one was grey. My son and I watched these birds for a good 10 - 15 minutes and the entire time the grey was completely absorbed in destroying the tree branch (we had to laugh because my Smokey is a destroyer LOL, is that a grey thing? :lol: ) We were not sure he even noticed we were there. One of the blue birds was so loud, chatty (not words just whistles) and interactive, & showing off for our amusement. The other blue bird sat on a perch to the side of the cage, one foot tucked in, very quiet just looking and taking it all in, but gave an impression that he/she was saying to us "don't bother talking to me cos I'm not interested and besides I'm too important". It really made us laugh. 3 birds 3 different personalities - The destroyer, The socialite and The queen/king. :lol:

Re: Different personalities

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:56 am
by smallworld
:lol: Enjoyed reading this! I think I found Echo's personality type now. He is what you describe as the King :D

Re: Different personalities

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:47 am
by effekt
Great observations, I'm so glad you shared this!

I love to watch all the different birds in the bird shop, they have such unique personalities.

My bird, who has a hip problem, is very calm but she has a lot of personality too. When I first got her, she was 8 weeks old and squeaking a lot to be fed. She was really into the baby formula and still is, but they are working to wean her at the bird shop so I can finally take her home. A few days ago she started making a new sound. Totally different from the cute squeak of a young IRN that they do for food. This one is more of a squeal, and much more quiet. If I make that sound, she'll make it back, and so on.

Its a testament to the intelligence these birds have, even with handicaps they find ways to express their personality so well!

Re: Different personalities

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:29 pm
by bec
laine i had to laugh about the grey ones being destroyers!!!
i cannot read a book in front of skeet he thinks they are evil & deserve to die for daring to take my attention away from him